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Writer's picturemoonchild11


Updated: Apr 25, 2022

You are spirit. Everything else is material or materialistic. Everything else is ego.

As I've come across different people and experiences I've experienced the word spirituality quite often. I believe we have been using the word without fully understanding its meaning or why we use it.

Ego likes to pop up in everything, there is no such thing as "ego death." The idea of doing or even speaking is always to satisfy some part of the self (the ego.) The ego is necessary in order to understand this life. If you are able to observe and comprehend how you think and why, you have become well acquainted with the ego.

When it comes to the word spirituality we have taken away its value by the things that we do, have, and say. Spirit lives within everything. Spirit is the innate energy we all carry. The only difference between the spirit in a tree and the spirit within a person is the ability to communicate about it verbally. With this verbal communication we must recognize that it is our ego wanting to be recognized.

Spirituality now has become meditation, yoga, dancing in the rain, crystals, and tarot cards. Spirituality is deemed to be seen as "woowoo, weird, and witchy." The value of yoga has become minimalized because of now, social media and ego. Yoga is the pathway to success and so is its close relative, meditation. If you do these things, you must understand that it is to become acquainted with the ego within you in order to learn the presence of your being. As thoughts or self talk arise through these activities, our ego shows itself.

As we take pictures to show others how far we've come to do this headstand or to seem "peaceful," our ego wants to be known. The spirit within us, if takin care of, will always be moving and flowing, like a tree, it does not have to speak to show, it just is. Dancing in the rain, and having crystals do not mean that you are spiritual, it just means that you are liberated from within to do as you please and buy what you want. Although all of these activities and things carry energy, and we are allowing ourselves to coexist with this material and action, it does not make you "spiritual," it makes you, you, an idea that you've portrayed in your head to be. ego (;

I'd say there is no such thing as spirituality but only spirit. The reason these actions and items allow people to believe that they are spiritual is because the ego likes the idea of it rather than just being about it or of it.

I own tarot cards, I do yoga, I meditate, yes I do the green juices, yes I read books, I like plants, and of course I have crystals. I have the sound bowls too and love to listen to high frequency music. This all does not make me a spiritual person but a spirit having a human experience. All of these things when consistent are allowing me to love who I am which is different than what I am.

As you partake in these healthy coping mechanisms you become acquainted with your ego. You find that these ease you, or allow you to feel good about yourself. As you are consistent with these things such as yoga and meditation you are learning yourself and how to become present with your now. This does not make you a spiritual person but just makes you a person wanting to feel more connected with itself.

I used to say I am a spiritual person, and in truth I still do, but I know the word itself is very materialistic and its about time you recognize it too. Someone who is religious can be "spiritual" just as someone who is not religious as well, can be that too. Anyone can be it because spirit is what we are.

My point here is to elevate you into understanding that the things you do, have, or even say do not make you spiritual, its your degree of presence that does, its what you are that is.

Become well acquainted with your ego and you'll recognize spirit. As you separate the two you see how they are meant to be together, especially in this life. This is why your intentions, and self analysis or reflection are so important, especially if you want to be genuine and honest with your life.

Elevate. BE it. Your presence is key, not the attention seeking modalities that you crave. We are human and as we grow and become open to ourselves, we learn. Spirit already knows what it is, it does not need to have or to show.

We are all powerful individuals, as we come to know our ego and the understanding of our spirit, you will be well balanced and know how to live a life with ego and as spirit.


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